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Gunfire, screams, carnage: As mass shootings proliferate, training gets more realistic. Is this Best Practice?



As active threat incidents continue to become more prevalent law enforcement is continuing to train for such events.  While we agree that law enforcements training should be as realistic as possible and include elements of the chaotic scenes they will face, is this the best practice for your organization?

At Lockdown International we constantly recommend training and drills to better prepare you for an active threat situation.  But these drills do not need to be this realistic.  While I feel that it MAY be beneficial, many employers do not want to cause trauma to members of their organizations.  And that’s OK.  And even better, training and drills can be done even if your employer chooses not to hold a drill.  Here are some ways you can train on your own.

  1. You may go to the same office every day for work.  Don’t park in the same spot, use the same entry and exit point and the same means of egress from your office.  One to two times a month use the back staircase as an alternative means of escape.  Use the back door and walk around the building.  This creates muscle memory and will allow you to know what is outside your second means of egress and where to go from there.

  2. You probably shop at the same grocery store, box stores, or eat at a favorite restaurant frequently.  Next time you shop or dine out, take note of where the emergency exits are to set yourself up for success in environments you visit frequently.  There is always an exit point near the butchery, electronics section or through the kitchen of a restaurant.  Know where they are.

  3. Know a secondary route from your place of employment.  Emergency responders will block the main point of entrance and exits upon responding to an active threat. NEVER go to your vehicle for escape.  You are parked in an area of crime scene evidence.  Many active threat assailants plant secondary devices to interrupt first responders.  Did they place the secondary device on or near your vehicle?  Know a location that you can evacuate to near your location, but not in the immediate vicinity.

For more training and tips like this visit us at

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