A bank teller being held up by an intruder pushes a hidden button that activates a silent alarm notifying police that a robbery is taking place. An older adult who has fallen in their home and can't get up presses the button on a pendant they are wearing to summon help from local EMS.
When we think of panic buttons, these are two perfect examples that come to mind. Studies have shown over the years that changes and advancements in technology have been effective and saved lives.
How often is this technology used in schools, institutions of higher education, and hospitals?
Nearly two-thirds of this survey's respondents (66%) already have a panic alarm, mobile duress system, or app. Of the respondents who don't have a system, nearly half said they can't afford it. My response is, "This day in time, you can't afford not too." More than one in four (26%) said they plan on getting one eventually but have yet to do the research. Sixteen percent said they need more support from management, staff, or the community. At 71% and 70%, higher education and healthcare respondents are likelier to have this technology on their campuses than only 23% of K-12 schools or districts.

Robin Hatterseley/ Campus Safety Magazine
October 23, 2023
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